
Wednesday, 22 April 2020

Covid is Not An Equalizer!

I apologize. Truth is, when you don't have the full picture, you should not rush to judgment. I thought I knew, so I made a bold conclusion. 

The things we take for granted. Everything. The present. Moments that look ordinary. Just the ease and the nothings. 

But one thing is clear, quick judgements are wrong. 

I said a short while ago, corona is an equalizer. I was wrong. 

Let me explain. 

Much as those who can afford to make it to seek medical care abroad may not be able to go now, not everyone has access to the best care locally still. Cash differential! Corona is not an equalizer!

There have been lockdowns all over the place. Spare a thought for those who have just a bed space to call home. Perhaps, even sharing it with multiple children. A person with a compound can still do paces, sit outside, do a barbecue and in general, keep their head clear. Spare a thought, please. Corona is no equalizer!

And o, for children who go to village schools where there are even no smart phones, compared to those whose school will be uninterrupted because they can continue classes online, Corona is no equalizer!

And think about daily wage earners and domestic staff who have been asked to stay home, some paid for a month or two, some let home with just what they've earned and needed to stock up for long periods of uncertainty. They're screwed. Corona is no equalizer!

And talking about stocking up when electricity is an issue and not everyone has a generator or what my SL peeps will call 'Kabba Tiger'. Not Possible. *Corona is no equalizer!*

And for women and children who have already been in abusive relationships or abusive homes, whose periods of staying at home alone or going out during the day to take care of their own business were celebrated moments of freedom, Corona is no equalizer!

I apologize. I was wrong. I take it back. I'm sorry. 

Hear me and hear me well, Corona is no equalizer!

NB: Photo is not mine.