Land of the brave
Proud as I stand
From where I sit
Reading of governments, in years far past
Hearing what structures, my forebears did craft
Of order and peace and relations so strong
Of resistance to armies, so better equipped
Of standing and saying, to hell with this now
Proud as I stand
From where I sit
The bush school was good and served so so right
Of women and men of roles to assume
To boys and girls a rite of passage
To teach you the ways to secure your own
The land of the brave, so proud of you dear
Proud as I stand
From where I sit
I remember the slave trade and how we built the west
With sweat and blood and salty tears too
The history, the story, so fresh in our minds
Of new rules to press us once our main job was done!
Proud as I stand
From where I sit
The gains we have made, there is no turning back!